Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bone In or Bone Out

Last night Regina and I went to pizza hut here in Levelland because we both had a craving for over priced pizza and some good chicken wings. (that was a joke sort of). As we set down and looked at the menu Regina said that she would like bone out chicken wings, and so I agreed and we ordered that along with a pzone that we split. Well our food came and we began to indulge ourselves on these glorious honey barbecue chicken wings
As I was stuffing my face and belly I started to ponder which kind of wing was better. Was it the wings with the bone in or the ones with the bones out. I thought of many pros and cons like, how messy each of them were, or which one I look better eating, so on and so forth. There are many more but I will spare you.
Well the answer that I came up with is that it depends on the mood that I am in. I know that is not great answer but it is the truth. I will say this though, i believe that you get more satisfaction out of eating the wings with the bone in, because you have to work for it. You can eat a wing and see your work and say " Man I did a good job on that wing"
On a little more serious note, I believe that in today's society and in our spiritual life even, we don't want to have to work for things. We want everything given to us and it be easy and not realistic. This is something that I am convinced that we all struggle with including, Yes even me. (that was a joke all the way). I would love to be able grow spiritually without the struggles and the pain, and work ,but how would I appreciate it if that is how it worked?
Psalms 119:67- Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word.
My challenge for myself and you if you accept it is, to not be a lazy consumer christian, and to continue to work and to grow and serve my Father as he has called us to do. If we do this I believe that not only will we have salvation but we will have more satisfaction and a true relationship with God. I also want to be able to rejoice when I am facing trials and struggles because through that I know that I will grow closer to him.
That is a lot of thinking coming out of chicken wings. I hope to have pictures up soon of our newly painted living room and dining room! After all this is call Joey and Regina's life. lol

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Dark Side

Well, if you are reading this you must know that I have started a blog. I have been very reluctant to start a blog because, to be totally honest with you , I have always thought that "bloggers" were nerds (no offense honey). However I have decided to to go the dark side and be a nerd and go through with it.
There are other reasons why I didn't want to blog so to speak, and one of those being that I don't necessarily want everyone to know what I am thinking or going through in my head because many things you need to keep to yourself, right? I could go on about why I did not want to blog but why be negative.
Here is the reason why I am starting a blog. If you know me well and I call you often you know that when I call I just vomit out what is going through my head whether you want to hear it or not. I know that can get tiresome and annoying sometimes, or you miss what I am talking about because I am talking so fast. In this blog I will be talking about the random stuff in my head that you normally hear when I call and talk to you, and maybe I wont call you as much and vomit out what is going on in my head (highly unlikely,but if you miss something that I vomit out you can come to my blog and look it up.)
I hope you enjoy this blog, and that you add your mental overflow to it, and we can have interesting conversation about God, music, movies, books, food, art maybe and just life in general? Come enjoy! Thanks!